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May 18, 2022

How To Write An Email That Will Definitely Get Opened

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Think about the last email you sent- Did it get replied to? Did it get read? What did your reader think of the email? If it was a business email, did they take action on whatever you asked them to do? If not you need to apply the right strategy of writing an email, which we will discuss below.

email open rate


Email is a vital part of business communication, but all too often, emails are ignored or quickly deleted. If you want to ensure that your email gets opened and read, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

To start with, make sure your subject line is clear and concise. Avoid using generic phrases like “please read” or “important information.” Instead, be specific about what the email contains. For example, “5 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy” or “Invitation to Our Upcoming Webinar.”

It’s also important to personalize your email as much as possible. Addressing the recipient by name shows that you’ve taken the time to write a personalized message, rather than just firing off a generic blast.

Finally, keep your email short and sweet. No one wants to read a novel in their inbox! Get to the point quickly and include any relevant links or attachments right upfront.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your email will actually get opened – and maybe even read!

The Importance of Subject Line

The first line of your email is crucial. It’s the make-or-break moment that will determine whether or not your email gets opened. So, what makes for a good subject line? Something that is interesting, engaging, and relevant to the recipient.

Think about what would make you want to open an email. Chances are, it would be something that piqued your interest or was directly relevant to you in some way. The same principle applies when you’re writing emails to others.

Your subject line doesn’t have to be overly complicated or clever. In fact, sometimes the simplest lines are the most effective. Just make sure that it’s something that will make the recipient want to know more.

Here are a few examples of opening lines that could work well for business emails:

  • I saw your presentation at the conference and wanted to reach out.
  • I read your blog post about XYZ and found it fascinating.
  • I’m a big fan of your work and was wondering if you’re available for a consultation.

No matter what you choose to write, remember that the goal is to get the recipient to open your email so that you can then deliver your message.

What to Include in Your Email

Assuming you’ve already crafted the perfect subject line, it’s time to move on to the body of your email. What should you include in order to make sure your email gets opened and read?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Keep it short and sweet. No one wants to read a novel in their inbox. Get to the point quickly and be as concise as possible.
  2. Use images sparingly. Too many images can make an email look cluttered and difficult to read. A few well-placed images, however, can help break up the text and make your email more visually appealing.
  3. personalize your message. Address the recipient by name and, if possible, reference something specific that you know they’re interested in. This will help your email stand out from the hundreds of other messages in their inbox.
  4. Use proper grammar and spelling. Nothing says “unprofessional” like a mistake-ridden email. Take the time to proofread your message before hitting “send.”
  5. Include a call to action. Tell the recipient what you want them to do after reading your email. Do you want them to click on a link? Reply to you?

How to Capture Your Reader’s Attention with a Hook

You only have a few seconds to capture your reader’s attention when they open your email. That’s why it’s important to start with a hook – an attention-grabbing opening that will make them want to read more.

There are a few different ways to create a hook. You could start with a question, an interesting statistic, or a relevant story or anecdote. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that will pique your reader’s interest and curiosity.

Once you’ve got their attention, it’s up to the rest of your email to deliver on the promise of the hook. So take your time crafting the perfect message – one that will get opened, read, and responded to.


Body Content: Structure and Writing Style

When it comes to the body content of your email, there are a few key things to keep in mind in order to make sure it actually gets read. First and foremost, shorter is almost always better when it comes to emails. People are generally very busy and don’t have time to read long drawn-out emails. So, get to the point and make your point clearly and concisely.

Another important thing to keep in mind is the structure of your email. Make sure it is easy to read and scan by breaking up paragraphs into shorter chunks and using bullet points where appropriate. Also, be sure to use clear and concise language throughout. And finally, while a little bit of personality is always nice, resist the urge to get too creative or cutesy with your email writing. After all, you want to come across as professional and competent, not unprofessional or flippant.


If you’re like most people, your inbox is constantly full of emails from businesses and organizations that you have no interest in. So how do you make sure that your email stands out and gets opened? By following the tips in this article, you can write an email that will actually get opened by your intended recipient. From crafting a compelling subject line to using personalization techniques, there are a number of ways to improve your chances of getting your email read. So don’t give up on email just yet — with a little effort, you can write emails that will actually get opened.


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