List of the top 7 technical SEO audit tools To detect and fix the most crucial website errors

1.  Google Search Console

1.  Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that allows marketers to quickly monitor their position in Google search results.

GTmetrix notifies you of technical problems on your website that might affect user experience and site speed.

SEO Spider tool is a website crawler that quickly examines websites of any size and provides users with technical SEO recommendations.

4. Page Modified

4. Page Modified

The crawler identifies technical flaws such as broken links, issues with internal links, canonical errors, duplicate content, and XML issues.

5. SEOmator

5. SEOmator

One of the most effective technical SEO audit tools on the market right now is SEOmator  for on-page, and off-page SEO auditing

6. DeepCrawl

6. DeepCrawl

DeepCrawl A technical SEO audit and crawler Finds broken links, test your XML sitemaps, keep an eye on page speed and performance

7. OnCrawl

7. OnCrawl

A variety of helpful SEO and website management tools, such as a log analyzer, search rankings monitor, backlinks tracker, and technical SEO audit tool.