7 Trading Tip & Tricks Rules To Deal With Losses

7 Trading Tip & Tricks Rules To Deal With Losses

The Winning Mindset of a Trader

1. You should never allow a bad day to cost you more than an average winning day.

keep your losses to a minimum and preventing them from expand beyond their limits and grow bigger than your winnings.

2. Before you make a deal, quantify your stop loss level.

2. Before you make a deal, quantify your stop loss level.

You should establish the price at which the trade is not allowed to be if the trade is right.

3. Avoid trading in revenge

3. Avoid trading in revenge

Revenge trading is an unjustified desire to recoup your losses in the same market or chart you have lost money on.

4. You are responsible for trading results

The blame game can destroy the ability of traders to develop the ideal mindset for positive results in trading.

The blame game can destroy the ability of traders to develop the ideal mindset for positive results in trading.

5. Always trade in the event that you have an edge in the market.

5. Always trade in the event that you have an edge in the market.

Make sure you only trade only when your signals are activated and your edge is there.

6. Every trade must have the right size of position

6. Every trade must have the right size of position

The size of your position in your trades based on the maximum amount you'd like to lose in an investment.

7. Concentrate on your trading system's execution, not the result of one particular trade

7. Concentrate on your trading system's execution, not the result of one particular trade

focus on trading using discipline and focus, the long term, the results will take care of them self.

Concentrate on the process rather than the immediate results. A single trade may result in a random outcome, however 100 trades are an effective filter to maximize your profit.

Bonus TIP

Bonus TIP