7 Thumb Rule To Know Before Investing In Cryptocurrency

Understand the Do’s & Don’t of Investing in Cryptocurrency so that you don’t regret later

Understand the Do’s & Don’t of Investing in Cryptocurrency so that you don’t regret later

1) Before investing, make sure you understand the mechanisms of buying, trading, and exchanging cryptocurrencies

1) Before investing, make sure you understand the mechanisms of buying, trading, and exchanging cryptocurrencies

2. For long-term success, a diversified portfolio is crucial

2. For long-term success, a diversified portfolio is crucial

Diversifying your portfolio to include top projects across popular sectors, such as DeFi, NFTs, gaming is the safest way to go.

3. Do your own research before you make any decisions

3. Do your own research before you make any decisions

Do not buy anything just because someone you are close to says so.

4. Compare the roadmap to developer activity

4. Compare the roadmap to developer activity

Open-source technology offers many benefits, including the ability to see the most recent developer activity

5. Timing is everything

5. Timing is everything

Poorly timed investments can result in a loss of value.

6. You shouldn’t lose more than you can invest

6. You shouldn’t lose more than you can invest

As stated earlier, cryptocurrencies can be risky. Most tokens will eventually fall to zero. Remember to limit your investment to what you can afford.

7. Keep the long-term in mind

7. Keep the long-term in mind

You should look for projects with a real-world purpose

Keep in mind the before-mentioned rules, as well as bull-bear markets cycles.