15 Most Important Aspects of Technical SEO

15 Most Important Aspects of Technical SEO

Your website may have great content, but if it isn’t technically sound, users won’t find it great.

1. Do a Technical SEO audit

1. Do a Technical SEO audit

This audit also allows you to identify potential opportunities to improve your site’s performance.

2. Mobile Optimization

2. Mobile Optimization

Always be there for your users. Mobile users should be able to access your website. Your site should be easy to navigate. This will increase your site’s conversion rate.

3. You can check the Robots.txt File

3. You can check the Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file tells the search engine which pages or parts of the site should be crawled. The crawled pages will be visible to users.

4. Duplicate Content

4. Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is a big problem for search engines. You can find duplicate content both on and off-site. Both duplicate content and on-site content should be checked carefully.

5. Site Structure

5. Site Structure

Site architecture should be optimized for users and search engines. Clear site structure allows search engines to easily crawl your site, and users can navigate easily around it.

6. Speed of site or page

6. Speed of site or page

Page speed is the time it takes for a search engine to load a page’s content. Google considers speeding an important ranking factor. Google will rank sites that load quickly in search engines higher.

7. Sitemap in XML

7. Sitemap in XML

Sitemap.xml is a list of URLs for all pages on your site. It shows Google and other search engines the structure of your website. It informs search engines about the site and its structure.

8. Redirects and error pages

8. Redirects and error pages

Sometimes, the search engine might crawl to a site and display a page error or a code.

HTTP 200





9. Force a Single domain

Your site can have multiple domain names. It is best to only have one domain name that can be used to access your site.

Your site can have multiple domain names. It is best to only have one domain name that can be used to access your site.

10. Structured Data

10. Structured Data

Structured data is the key component of any data or information. The common language used by search engines to interpret data has been created.

11. Meta Tags

11. Meta Tags

The meta description is the meta tag that you should be most concerned about.

The meta description tells the search engines what your site is about in the Search Engine Ranking Page (SERPs).

12. Optimize your Images

12. Optimize your Images

Reduce the size of your images. Sometimes metadata can be included in images that take up a lot of space. To delete such data, use a tool or plug-in to compress it.

13. URL structure

13. URL structure

SEO is not complete without the URL structure. Now, the URLs contain keywords that make it easy for search engines to find the page.

14. Semantic page mark-up

14. Semantic page mark-up

You can use HTML H1, H2, H3, and so forth. For the most important titles, H1 is used. H2 is for the next level. H3 for the third level.

15. Make a podcast

15. Make a podcast

Podcasts are a great way to communicate your messages to live audiences if you’re not afraid to do so. Podcasts allow you to deliver your messages in your area of expertise and increase traffic to your website.