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July 30, 2022

15 Most Important Aspects of Technical SEO

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Aspects of technical seo

SEO is a crucial element of online business. content, as we all know, is the heart of SEO. SEO is just as important as the content. Technical SEO is any SEO activity that doesn’t include the content. It’s a foundation that gives your content the best chance of ranking in search engines using relevant keywords and phrases. Search engines crawl your website to index it. This is technical SEO. Technical SEO analyzes the search engine techniques for crawling to your website.

It means that your site is crawled easily by the search engine. This indicates that your chances of ranking higher are greater, which in turn will bring more visitors to your site.

Why is Technical SEO Important?

Imagine a car that has a sporty body but no good mechanicals. Will it be successful and powerful? It is not. SEO is the same. Your website may have great content, but if it isn’t technically sound, users won’t find it great. To make your SEO campaign a success, technical SEO must be combined with other SEO elements.

Technical SEO: What are the aspects?

Let’s take a look at some technical aspects of SEO in this article.

1. Do a Technical SEO audit

A technical SEO audit is a process that determines if there are any issues with the search engine crawling to your site. This audit also allows you to identify potential opportunities to improve your site’s performance. This audit can be done by creating a template that lists all technical issues and then addressing them one at a time.

This audit includes fixing multiple H1 internal linking errors, duplicate contents, search engine robot blockage, and URL structure.

You can also use tools to perform technical SEO audits. These tools can help you find and correct errors quickly.

2. Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is a necessity because mobile users are growing at a much faster rate than desktop users. It is a sign that your website is not mobile-friendly. Recent mobile traffic has outpaced desktop traffic. This means that mobile users visit the site more often and make purchases.

Always be there for your users. Mobile users should be able to access your website. Your site should be easy to navigate. This will increase your site’s conversion rate.

Verify that your mobile website is compatible with all networks and mobile devices. This can be done by simply opening your website on a mobile. This is not the only way to verify your site. Later people may have trouble opening your website on a different phone. You can check if your website is mobile-friendly with tools. Google offers a Mobile-Friendly Test tool. You can enter your website to see if it is incompatible.

3. You can check the Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file tells the search engine which pages or parts of the site should be crawled. The crawled pages will be visible to users. Pages that are not crawled can be seen by site administrators. This file should be checked because sometimes, the entire site may have been blocked. This happens during site development. Site owners often forget to update the file when the site goes live. This can lead to new pages or the whole site not being indexed by search engines.

You should check your robots.txt file often to make sure it is up-to-date with any changes to your site. Your preferred factor for checking if your site is functioning properly should be robots.txt.

4. Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is a big problem for search engines. You can find duplicate content both on and off-site. Both duplicate content and on-site content should be checked carefully. A search engine may penalize websites with more duplicate content. Facets are the most common type of duplicate content. This type of duplicate content is avoided by distinguishing one page from another using the title, heading tags, and meta description.

Unique content is essential for your home page. To ensure your website is original, you should regularly update its contents. Copying content from other sites will cause your site to rank lower.

The best way to remove duplicate content from URLs is to create canonical URLs.

5. Site Structure

When designing your website, you should use common sense. Site architecture should be optimized for users and search engines. Clear site structure allows search engines to easily crawl your site, and users can navigate easily around it. Make sure all pages that are important to your site are linked to the homepage.

Your site should be simple with a clear URL and logical paths. When you make changes to your site structure, be sure to create a 301 redirect to point to the new page. Canonical tags can also be used.

6. Speed of site or page

Page speed is the time it takes for a search engine to load a page’s content. Google considers speeding an important ranking factor. Google will rank sites that load quickly in search engines higher. Slow loading sites can cause visitors to lose interest, which will increase bounce rates. Your sales will drop if your bounce rate increases.

Google’s Page Insights can be used to determine if the site is loading slowly.

Also read: 8 Best Content Writing Tools For Unique & Quality Content

7. Sitemap in XML

Sitemap.xml is a list of URLs for all pages on your site. It shows Google and other search engines the structure of your website. It informs search engines about the site and its structure. Sitemap.xml search engines are able to locate pages that would otherwise be difficult to find. Make sure your sitemap.xml file contains all important pages.

Content Management System can help you create these XML files. You can also create your own code.

8. Redirects and error pages

Sometimes, the search engine might crawl to a site and display a page error or a code. These codes are known as status codes. The most commonly used codes are listed below.

  • HTTP 200 This code will appear when you attempt to crawl to your website. It means that your request was successful and the page with the content has been found.
  • 301 –301 is permanent URL redirection. This indicates that a page has been permanently moved to another location or permanently deleted. This allows the search engine to move the link juice from an old URL to the new one.
  • 302 This temporary redirect is used. This tells the search engine that it should retain link juice from the URL and not redirect to the new page.
  • 404 – This indicates that the page cannot be found. Sometimes, a 404 error can be dangerous. Avoid it. You should not find a 404 error on your website. Sometimes it could be due to an incorrect spelling in the URL.
  • 503: 503 indicates that the service is unavailable. These errors can be sent out if your site is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance. This code will be considered temporarily unavailable by search engines. Your site can be redirected by indicating that it is currently unavailable.

9. Force a Single domain

Your site can have multiple domain names. It is best to only have one domain name that can be used to access your site. You must set the appropriate HTTP headers to allow that domain name to be found.

10. Structured Data

Structured data is the key component of any data or information. The common language used by search engines to interpret data has been created. This language includes Schema and microformats as well as RDFs and microdata. These languages can be used to provide detailed explanations of the information.

Also Read: The 9 Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Your New Website

11. Meta Tags

The meta description is the meta tag that you should be most concerned about. Although it doesn’t have much impact on your rank, this is what drives browsers to visit your site. The meta description tells the search engines what your site is about in the Search Engine Ranking Page (SERPs). However, you should not stuff your meta description full of keywords. Each page should have its own meta tag with a title and description. This should encourage users to visit your site.

12. Optimize your images

Reduce the size of your images. Sometimes metadata can be included in images that take up a lot of space. To delete such data, use a tool or plug-in to compress it. Combine several small images into a single file, called sprites. Sprites usually include logos and navigation icons. You can use CSS to inform the browser which part of an image you want to use if you’re using a sprite.

An alt tag can be added to an image. It will include a description of the image. You can also add keywords to the alt tags. A name can be added to an image if it is related to it.

13. URL structure

SEO is not complete without the URL structure. URLs used to be so complicated in the beginning. Now, the URLs contain keywords that make it easy for search engines to find the page. These URLs are also attractive to users who click on the link. Below are some examples

URLs early Days


URLs Now


These are some simple tips to keep in mind when creating your URL

  • Your URL should not contain any extra characters
  • The more concise the URLs are, the better they will be
  • URLs can include numbers and alphabet
  • Avoid underscores
  • Subdomains rank better

14. Semantic page mark-up

You can use HTML H1, H2, H3, and so forth. For the most important titles, H1 is used. H2 is for the next level. H3 for the third level. These tags will be used by search engines to help them understand the content and crawl the pages. The HTML sitemap can also be used to help visitors navigate your site.

15. Make a podcast

Podcasts are a great way to communicate your messages to live audiences if you’re not afraid to do so. Podcasts allow you to deliver your messages in your area of expertise and increase traffic to your website. At first, you might feel that you don’t have enough people listening to your podcast. It will grow slowly. Promote your podcast via social media to increase listeners.

Invite a guest with a lot of followers to your podcast and ask them to promote it.


Disclaimer– This Website and related pages are only for information, educational & learning assistance. Please consult your financial advisor for assistance before investing. Personal opinion only for reviews, feedback, and educational purpose. We are not SEBI registered.

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