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May 31, 2023

How to Calculate Stock Return?

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Understanding how to calculate stock return is essential for investors seeking to evaluate the performance of their investments accurately. In this guide, we will delve into the various methods used to calculate stock returns, including simple and compound returns. By gaining a solid understanding of these calculations, investors can make more informed decisions and effectively gauge the profitability of their stock holdings. So, let’s explore the world of stock returns and learn how to measure investment performance accurately.

1. Simple Stock Return

One of the most straightforward methods to calculate stock returns is by using the simple return formula. Simple return measures the percentage change in the stock’s price over a specified period, excluding dividends.

Simple Return (%) = [(Ending Price – Beginning Price) / Beginning Price] * 100

By subtracting the beginning price from the ending price and dividing it by the beginning price, we get the price difference as a decimal. Multiplying it by 100 converts it into a percentage.

For example, if you bought a stock at $50 and it’s now worth $60, the simple return would be [(60 – 50) / 50] * 100 = 20%.

Learn: What Is Dividend? and how to calculate it?

2. Compound Stock Return

The compound return method takes into account not only the stock’s price appreciation but also any dividends received during the investment period. This method is more accurate in reflecting the true total return.

Compound Return (%) = [(Ending Value / Beginning Value)^(1/n) – 1] * 100

Here, the beginning value represents the initial investment, the ending value is the current value of the investment, and n denotes the number of periods (e.g., years or months).

For instance, if an investor initially invested $1,000 in a stock, received $100 in dividends over three years, and the investment is now worth $1,500, the compound return calculation would be: [(1,500 / 1,000)^(1/3) – 1] * 100 = 15.87%

3. Adjusted Stock Return

Sometimes, it’s necessary to account for external factors that may affect stock returns. The adjusted return method considers these factors, such as inflation or changes in the broader market.

Adjusted Return (%) = [(1 + Simple Return) / (1 + Inflation Rate)] – 1

By dividing the simple return by the inflation rate and subtracting 1, we get the adjusted return.

For example, if the stock’s simple return is 10% and the inflation rate is 3%, the adjusted return would be: [(1 + 0.10) / (1 + 0.03)] – 1 = 6.8%.


Calculating stock returns is an essential skill for investors to assess their portfolio’s performance accurately. By using simple return, compound return, and adjusted return methods, investors can measure the profitability of their investments from various angles. These calculations provide valuable insights into the performance of stocks, allowing investors to make informed decisions based on objective data. Remember, each method has its own merits, and choosing the most appropriate one depends on the specific context and investment goals. By mastering these calculations, investors can enhance their financial acumen and achieve more successful outcomes in the stock market.

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