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July 16, 2023

GIFT Nifty & SGX Nifty– Major Affects on Indian Share Market

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As a share market expert, it is essential to understand the various instruments and platforms that impact the Indian stock market. GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty are two such instruments that have gained significant attention in recent years. In this article, we will explore the differences between GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty and delve into how they affect the Indian share market.

Gift Nifty

GIFT Nifty

Meaning and Overview

GIFT Nifty stands for Gujarat International Finance Tec-City Nifty. It is a derivative of the Nifty index, which represents the performance of the top 50 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. GIFT Nifty is specifically designed for trading at the Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City), India’s first International Financial Services Centre (IFSC).

Key Features and Differences

1. Location: GIFT Nifty is traded exclusively at GIFT City, located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. It operates within the regulatory framework of the International Financial Services Centre Authority (IFSCA). On the other hand, the regular Nifty index is traded on the NSE, which operates under the regulatory framework of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

2. Trading Hours: GIFT Nifty is open for trading for 22 hours, aligning with global market timings. This provides extended trading hours compared to the regular Nifty index, which operates during standard Indian market hours.

3. Currency: GIFT Nifty is denominated in U.S. dollars (USD), allowing international investors to participate in trading. In contrast, the regular Nifty index is denominated in Indian rupees (INR).

4. Regulatory Framework: GIFT Nifty operates under the regulations of IFSCA, which provides a more flexible regulatory environment compared to the traditional Indian stock market. This attracts foreign investors and promotes the growth of international financial services in India.

SGX Nifty

Meaning and Overview

SGX Nifty, also known as the Singapore Nifty, is a derivative of the Nifty index that is traded on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). It provides a way for global investors to gain exposure to the Indian stock market without being physically present in India.

Key Features and Differences

1. Location: SGX Nifty is traded on the Singapore Exchange, allowing international investors to access the Indian market without the need for direct participation in the Indian stock exchanges.

2. Trading Hours: SGX Nifty operates during the trading hours of the Singapore Exchange, which are different from the Indian market hours. This allows investors to trade the Nifty index even when the Indian markets are closed.

3. Currency: SGX Nifty is traded in U.S. dollars, similar to GIFT Nifty. This enables foreign investors to trade in a familiar currency, eliminating the need for currency conversions.

4. Impact on Indian Markets: SGX Nifty serves as an early indicator of the Indian market’s direction. Changes in SGX Nifty’s value before the Indian market opens can influence the sentiment and initial movements of Indian stocks when trading commences.

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How GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty Affect the Indian Share Market

The presence of GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty has both direct and indirect effects on the Indian share market:

1. Increased Global Participation: GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty provide avenues for international investors to participate in the Indian market. This enhances liquidity and broadens the investor base, leading to increased market activity.

2. Price Discovery: The trading of GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty outside Indian market hours contributes to price discovery. Movements in these indices reflect market expectations and sentiment, which can influence Indian stocks’ opening prices.

3. Arbitrage Opportunities: Differences in the prices of Nifty futures on GIFT Nifty, SGX Nifty, and the Indian exchanges can create arbitrage opportunities for traders. Arbitrageurs take advantage of price disparities to make risk-free profits by simultaneously buying and selling related assets.

4. Volatility Transmission: Significant movements in GIFT Nifty or SGX Nifty during non-Indian market hours can influence market sentiment and subsequent trading activities when the Indian market opens. This transmission of volatility can impact the direction and intensity of price movements in the Indian share market.

5. Risk Management: GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty provide tools for hedging and managing risks associated with Indian stocks. Investors can use these derivatives to mitigate exposure to price fluctuations or to speculate on market movements.

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Here are some frequently asked questions about GIFT Nifty, SGX Nifty, and their impact on the Indian share market:

FAQ 1: Can Indian investors trade GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty?

Yes, Indian investors can trade GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty. However, they must comply with the regulatory requirements and guidelines applicable to international financial services centers and foreign exchanges.

FAQ 2: Are GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty substitutes for the regular Nifty index?

GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty are derivatives of the regular Nifty index, offering exposure to the underlying index. While they serve as alternatives for trading and risk management purposes, they do not replace the original Nifty index.

FAQ 3: How do GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty impact individual stocks?

GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty influence market sentiment and can affect the opening prices of individual stocks. However, it is essential to consider other factors, such as company-specific news, global market trends, and economic indicators, when analyzing individual stocks.

FAQ 4: Can retail investors participate in GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty trading?

Retail investors can participate in GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty trading through eligible brokers and trading platforms. However, it is important to understand the associated risks and consult with financial advisors before engaging in derivative trading.

FAQ 5: How can one monitor the movements of GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty?

Real-time price movements and related information for GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty can be accessed through financial news portals, trading platforms, and the websites of the respective exchanges.

FAQ 6: Do changes in GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty always reflect the Indian market’s opening direction?

While GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty provide early indications of market sentiment, other factors, such as global market trends and news flows, can influence the actual opening direction of the Indian market. It is crucial to consider multiple factors when assessing market movements.


GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty play significant roles in the Indian share market by providing avenues for international investors and influencing market sentiment. Understanding the differences between GIFT Nifty and SGX Nifty is crucial for investors and traders looking to explore the global aspects of the Indian stock market. By monitoring these derivatives and their impact, market participants can make informed decisions and navigate the dynamic landscape of the Indian share market effectively.

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