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July 19, 2023

Understanding PCR and Its Impact on Traders in the Market

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As a share market expert, I understand the significance of various indicators and metrics that influence trading decisions. The Put-Call Ratio (PCR) is one such important metric used by traders to assess market sentiment and make informed trading choices. In this article, we will explore what PCR is and how it impacts traders in the Indian market.


What is PCR?

PCR, or the Put-Call Ratio, is a popular technical indicator that measures the relative trading volume of put options to call options. Put options provide the right to sell an underlying asset at a specified price (strike price) within a specific time frame, while call options give the right to buy the underlying asset at the strike price within the specified time frame. The Put-Call Ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of traded put options by the total number of traded call options.

Understanding PCR in the Indian Market

In the context of the Indian market, the PCR serves as an important sentiment indicator. It provides insights into the overall market mood and helps traders gauge the prevailing sentiment among market participants. The PCR is calculated separately for individual stocks, indices (such as Nifty or Bank Nifty), and the market as a whole.

A high PCR suggests that traders are buying more put options compared to call options, indicating a bearish sentiment. This can be interpreted as an expectation of a potential decline in the market or a specific stock. Conversely, a low PCR implies that traders are buying more call options compared to put options, indicating bullish sentiment. This suggests an expectation of a potential rise in the market or a specific stock.

Impact on Traders

The PCR has several implications for traders in the Indian market:

1. Market Sentiment Analysis

Traders utilize PCR as a tool to gauge market sentiment and assess whether the majority of market participants are bullish or bearish. This analysis helps traders align their strategies with the prevailing sentiment, whether it is bullish or bearish, to make more informed trading decisions.

2. Contrarian Indicator

PCR can also serve as a contrarian indicator. When the PCR reaches extreme levels, it may suggest an oversaturation of bullish or bearish sentiment in the market. Extreme levels could indicate a potential reversal in market direction. Traders who follow contrarian strategies may consider taking positions opposite to the prevailing sentiment when PCR reaches such levels.

Support and Resistance Levels

The PCR can help identify potential support and resistance levels in the market. High PCR values may act as support levels, as a larger number of put options being traded can indicate strong buying interest or hedging against potential market declines. Conversely, low PCR values may act as resistance levels, as a larger number of call options being traded can indicate strong buying interest or speculative positions anticipating upward price movements.

Traders often look for these support and resistance levels as potential entry or exit points for their trades. They consider the PCR in conjunction with other technical analysis tools, such as price patterns, moving averages, and volume, to identify optimal trading opportunities.

3. Confirmation Tool

PCR can be used as a confirmation tool in conjunction with other technical indicators and chart patterns. For example, if a technical indicator or chart pattern suggests a potential reversal or trend change, a corresponding PCR reading can provide additional confirmation. This helps traders gain confidence in their trading decisions and reduces the chances of false signals.

Also Read: Nifty Vs. Bank Nifty Trading -Which One Is Better To Trade?

4. Liquidity Assessment

PCR also provides insights into the liquidity of options contracts. Higher PCR values suggest higher demand for put options, indicating that traders are actively hedging their positions or taking bearish positions. This higher demand for put options may result in increased liquidity for those contracts, making it easier for traders to enter or exit positions in the options market.

5. Risk Management

PCR can assist traders in managing risk by providing an understanding of market sentiment. If the PCR suggests a bearish sentiment, traders may choose to adjust their positions, implement hedging strategies, or reduce exposure to potential downside risks. Conversely, a bullish PCR may encourage traders to take advantage of potential market upswings.



As a share market expert, understanding the Put-Call Ratio (PCR) and its impact on traders in the Indian market is essential. PCR serves as a valuable sentiment indicator that provides insights into the market mood, helps traders assess sentiment extremes, confirms trading decisions, and aids in risk management. By incorporating PCR analysis into their trading strategies, traders can gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics and make more informed trading decisions.


About the author,

Hi, I’m Bhuvan, a financial expert and experienced stock market investor. I am passionate about helping individuals navigate the complexities of the financial world. If you’re interested in learning more or seeking personalized advice, feel free to connect with me at If you found this article helpful, consider supporting me by commenting or reviewing this site and start investing through our link of Zerodha. Happy investing!

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