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July 25, 2023

What is Short Strangle? Here are Some Strangle Strategies

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Introduction to Short Strangle

As a share market expert, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies of various trading strategies. The short strangle is one such versatile technique used by seasoned investors to capitalize on market volatility. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of what a short strangle entails, accompanied by a diverse range of strategies that work effectively in different market conditions. With insights backed by first-hand experience and credible sources, you’ll be equipped to navigate the share market with confidence.

Short Strangle

What is a Short Strangle?

A put option with the same expiration date on the same underlying asset. This strategy is typically employed when traders anticipate low market volatility and expect the underlying asset’s price to remain within a specific range during the option’s lifespan.

The short strangle is different from a straddle, where both the call and put options are at the same strike price. In the short strangle, the call-and-put options are sold at different strike prices, creating a “strangle” around the current market price of the asset.

This strategy allows traders to profit from time decay (theta) and a decrease in implied volatility. As time passes, the options’ value erodes, resulting in potential profits for the trader if the underlying asset remains within the defined range.

Short Strangle Strategies for Different Market Conditions

    Strategy 1: The Neutral Range Strangle

In this strategy, the short strangle is executed when the share market is expected to remain relatively stable or move within a narrow range. Traders identify an upper and lower bound for the asset’s price, selling an OTM call option at the upper bound and an OTM put option at the lower bound. By doing so, they position themselves to profit from time decay while minimizing risk.

    Strategy 2: The High Volatility Strangle

When market volatility is anticipated to surge due to significant news events or economic releases, traders can implement the high volatility strangle. By selling far OTM options on both the call and put side, traders capitalize on the spike in implied volatility. However, this Short Strangle strategy involves higher risk due to potential unpredictable price movements.

    Strategy 3: The Low Volatility Strangle

Contrary to the high volatility strangle, this approach is employed when the market is expected to experience minimal price fluctuations. Traders sell both the call and put options with strike prices closer to the asset’s current price, benefiting from rapid time decay while being mindful of potential unexpected price swings.

    Strategy 4: The Earnings Strangle

During corporate earnings seasons, share prices often experience significant fluctuations. Traders can capitalize on this uncertainty by deploying the earnings strangle. By selling strangles just before earnings announcements, traders position themselves to profit from the subsequent drop in implied volatility once the earnings report is released.

Also Read: Strangle And Straddle: Profitable Options Strategies

    Strategy 5: The Delta-Neutral Strangle

In a delta-neutral strangle, traders balance the net delta of the combined options position to be close to zero. This means the strategy is not significantly impacted by small price movements in the underlying asset. Traders regularly adjust the position to maintain the delta-neutral state, thereby reducing directional risk.

    Strategy 6: The Trending Market Strangle

When a share market is trending strongly in one direction, traders can sell strangles on the opposite side of the trend. This strategy aims to benefit from time decay while expecting a reversal in the market’s direction. It’s essential to monitor the trend carefully and set appropriate strike prices to manage risk effectively.



  Q:   What are the risks associated with a short strangle strategy?

  A:   The primary risk of a short strangle is unlimited losses in the event of a sharp price movement beyond the chosen strike prices. Traders must be cautious and implement risk management measures like stop-loss orders.

  Q:   How is the profit potential in a short strangle strategy determined?

  A:   The profit potential is limited to the premiums received from selling the call and put options. Traders profit when the options expire worthless or if the underlying asset remains within the defined range.

  Q:   Can I use a short strangle strategy on any asset in the share market?

  A:   Yes, a short strangle can be implemented on various assets, including stocks, commodities, and indices, as long as they have options and contracts available.

  Q:   Is the short strangle suitable for beginners?

  A:   The short strangle is a more advanced options strategy and is not recommended for beginners. It requires a solid understanding of options trading and the ability to manage risks effectively.

  Q:   What is the ideal time to employ a short strangle strategy?

  A:   The best time to use a short strangle is when market volatility is expected to decrease or remain stable. It’s essential to analyze market conditions and perform thorough research before executing this strategy.

  Q:   Can I roll over my short strangle position if market conditions change?

  A:   Yes, traders can roll over their short strangle position by closing existing positions and opening new ones with different strike prices and expiration dates. This can help adapt to changing market conditions and manage risk.


As a share market expert, understanding the short strangle and its various strategies is a valuable asset in your trading arsenal. This versatile options strategy allows traders to profit from different market conditions and manage risk effectively. By implementing the appropriate short strangle strategy based on market volatility and trends, you can navigate the share market with confidence.

Remember, options trading involves inherent risks, and it’s crucial to practice due diligence and risk management when executing any strategy. Always stay informed about market events and economic indicators to make informed decisions. Happy trading!

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