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The Potential Impact of a US Debt Default on India: 5 Scary Consequences
May 26, 2023

The Potential Impact of a US Debt Default on India:

Introduction A potential US debt default would have far-reaching implications for the global economy. In this article, we will explore five frightening consequences that could arise if the United States defaults on its debt obligations. Additionally, we will examine how
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Why You Should Start Loving Yourself
April 26, 2022

Why You Should Start Loving Yourself

Self-love is the acknowledgement, acceptance, and approval of one’s own body, mind capacity, relationships with others, and life. Much of the emotional clutter we experience stems from social pressure to be perfect, constant validation through social media interaction, or attachment
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Manage Your Time Efficiently to Shine
April 26, 2022

Manage Your Time Efficiently to Shine

Time is an entity which when lost one can never get it back no matter what we do. In such a competitive environment we tend to focus more on work and things like family, health, hobby, passion everything takes a
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