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9 Simple Ways to Get Free Traffic to your Website

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It’s something we all know and all of us face it – low website traffic. This is a common problem I hear from digital marketers and business owners. Many marketers have reported losing a large percentage of their search traffic in the last year. They are constantly looking for new ways to drive traffic to their sites.

Marketers spend huge amounts of money to launch websites through powerful advertising campaigns. However, lack of funds should not be a problem as there are many ways to drive traffic to your website without spending any money.

how to get free traffic to your site

Many people approached us and asked questions. How can we get free traffic to our site? Is there another source of traffic that is more reliable than Google? How fast can we get traffic to our site?

Yes, it is possible to get free traffic from sources other than Google. You can’t just get traffic one time and reap the rewards. Traffic is a continuous task that must be done consistently. This article will provide actionable tips to get free website traffic. Although some strategies may not be quick fixes, you might be amazed at how many of them start to produce consistent results.

1) Optimize your website to Search Engines

Submit your website to search engine webmasters. You will all agree that optimizing your website for Google is the best way to get traffic free of charge. Google holds over 90% of India’s search engine market share. The competition is fierce. If you want to attract huge amounts of free traffic, you must have a great website in terms both of content and SEO.

Although Yahoo and Bing might not have as much market share as Google, a high-ranking position in either search engine can attract a lot of people. Bing traffic is still free, even though it is only 7-9% as Google.

2) Viral Marketing

Today, everyone wants to go viral. Everybody wants their content to be as popular as Psy’s Gangnam Style. Viral content means it spreads like a virus; when users like your content, they share it with their social networks, publish it on different websites, and advertise it for free in several ways. Free goods and services are excellent for driving free visitors to your website, and viral content is one of the greatest types in this category. Viral content distributes on its own. The only thing you have to do is create good content and upload it to a few well-known websites.

3) Article directories & Classifieds

Register on classified ad sites for free. These sites are plentiful. Some of the most popular ones include iNetGiant and Local ones include Just Dial and, among other business-specific classified sites.

Also Read: 10 Most Effective Off-Page SEO Techniques in 2022

4) Forum Participation

Create a forum for your website A forum will help you rank for long-tail keywords quickly. These also reduce bounce rates and increase time on site.

  • Sign up for yahoo answers – Leave great comments and helpful tips to people who ask questions.
  • Comments on blogs – Visit other blogs about the same topic as your site. Most blogs allow commenting on the topics being discussed. Leave your website link and add insightful comments to the blog topics. Your comment and link will be permanently saved to the blog website.
  • Post in forums – Register for the discussion forums online where your target audience is active. Post You can provide useful answers to other people’s questions and a link to the website at the bottom of your post. Do not overdo it in your posts. Other forumites will not respect you and may not visit your site.
  • Join free safe lists – These are lists of subscribers that have opted in to receive and send emails to each other. Sending emails can reach thousands of people instantly. You don’t need to worry about spam complaints because everyone has opted in to receive emails.

5) Build a Strong Social Network

Social media sites are a great resource for free traffic. The amount of traffic you receive from social media sites like Twitter and Facebook can soon beat that from Google if you are well-known on those platforms. It is true that building a large network of targeted followers on Twitter and supporters on Facebook takes a lot of time and effort but generally the results are worth it.

Also Read: The 7 Best Social Media Marketing (SMM) Tools 2022

6) Social Bookmarking

To create a backlink to your website on top social bookmarking websites, submit it. This will help increase your page rank. You can find them on Reddit and Digg.

7) Take advantage of Offline Promotions

For generating free website traffic, offline promotion is often overlooked. It is also an effective way to generate traffic for no cost. Printing your URL on business cards, souvenirs, and company vehicles are some of the traditional offline ways you can promote your site. This will help you make your brand more well-known by selling T-shirts or other merchandise featuring your logo.

8) Exchange Links

A ‘links page’ on your website should contain links to non-competing websites within the same industry. You can contact the owners of other websites to offer a link exchange. They will add your link to their links page and you will link back to them. This will increase your search engine results and help you build strong backlinks. Trusted links can be the best source to get free traffic to your website.



Only 3 things work best to get Free and Genuine Traffic from google:


Let’s go into detail in the next blog and discuss how great content is created.


Disclaimer– This Website and related pages are only for information, educational & learning assistance. Please consult your financial advisor for assistance before investing. Personal opinion only for reviews, feedback, and educational purpose. We are not SEBI registered.

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