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August 7, 2022

10 Simple Techniques to do Effective Keyword Research

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keyword research techniques

Keyword research involves finding out the keywords and phrases people are using in search engines that could have relevance to your company studying them, then making use of them in the creation of web content. The objective is to comprehend the intent of the user so that you can write content that addresses what the user is seeking and aids in ranking for the keyword you are trying to rank.

Keyword research is the first step of the process of optimizing your search engine and is an essential part of your SEO strategy. Keywords can help you to understand your market’s needs and what they are looking for. This data should be used as a reference for the implementation of the other elements in the SEO strategy, including on-site SEO as well as topics of content, outreach, and marketing.

To assist you in conducting the most efficient search engine optimization for your business and increase your SEO, we’ve created this list of top 10 keyword research strategies.

Top 10 Effective Keyword Research Strategy

1. Brainstorm an Idea for a List of Topics

In the beginning, it’s wise to create subjects that relate to your business’s product or services. This will help determine the types of keywords you need to be looking for, and also give you a general idea to start with.

If, for instance, you are employed by an agency for travel Some topics that could be on your mind include:

  • Hotels
  • Flights
  • Destinations
  • Tours
  • Excursions
  • Car rentals
  • Travel packages

While these topics aren’t keywords, they are an excellent point of reference to explore the research process for keywords.

2. Make a specific funnel stage and Searcher’s Goal

Knowing the funnel of sales is vital in conducting keyword research and developing content that is optimized for Google. The three phases that comprise the funnel you need to be focused on a consideration, awareness, and the final decision. Knowing the types of keywords people are searching for in each phase of the funnel will assist you to create content that is optimized to suit each phase.

In the stage of awareness when prospects are not familiar with your business. it is important to offer information that can help to establish a connection with the person searching.

At the time of consideration, The prospect is looking to learn more about the options available. The goal is to present the product you offer and then explain how it is the right choice for their needs.

Finally, at the decision stage, the buyer would like to locate and purchase the best solution or item. It is your job to demonstrate to your prospect why they should choose your company and explain why you’re better than your competition.

Keep in mind that every business is unique, so make the necessary research to determine the searcher’s intent at different points of the funnel within your field. Make use of the Google “Customer Journey to Online Purchase Tool” to determine the channels that are most prominent at different stages of the buyer’s journey.

Also Read: 9 Simple Ways To Get Free Traffic To Your Website

3. Utilize Keyword Research Tools

There are a variety of tools available that have been designed to aid you in the process of searching for keywords. Although we aren’t capable of covering all of them we will cover some of the most well-known and effective platforms.

The second is Google Keyword Planner. The best option is trustworthy as all keyword data is directly from Google therefore it is fairly precise (you can discover the nuances of keyword sampling and search volume in this article). The two primary functions of this tool are to aid you in identifying new keywords and also to determine estimates of search volume and forecast metrics.

If you’re looking to spend money on a tool for keyword research and want to concentrate on your competitors, SEMrush is an excellent choice. The tool lets you browse a competitor’s website and look up the specific keywords they rank for. By using this data, you can quickly steal keywords from competitors or spot a flaw in their strategies where you might be able to rank.

4. Make use of Creative Research Methods

There are a lot of advanced keyword research tools however, there are alternatives you can employ to come up with concepts.

One suggestion would be to enter a broad term into Wikipedia. One option is to type a broad keyword into the Wikipedia Google search box. There’s an article about that area, and you can look up the tables of content, where there’s often a lengthy list of subtopics included within the pages. For example, if search for “Hotels” on Wikipedia you’ll discover subtopics that include luxury hotels, resorts, Boutique hotels, cave hotels Igloo hotels, and cliff hotels. These subtopics are interesting keywords that you may not see elsewhere.

Another suggestion is to use the search function of Reddit. Visit Reddit and look up a topic that has a connection to your company. If you locate the subreddit that your intended users are likely to be in, read through the comments to check if you can spot some popular keywords that are present in your marketing strategy.

5. Utilize Google and YouTube suggestions

One method of coming up with keyword ideas is to utilize Google as well as YouTube’s suggestions features. If you start typing keywords in Google or YouTube’s search box will show a number of suggestions will appear automatically. The keywords you type in are certain to be popular as Google and YouTube are recommending them.

Another method of doing it is by typing in the phrase in Google before scrolling down to the lower part of the page, and there you’ll see a “Searches that are related” section. It will display prominent search queries closely related to your subject and can help you generate more ideas. You may also want to speed up the process with our free tool for generating keyword suggestions and also read the guide to conducting long-tail keyword research to get more ideas.

6. Utilize Multiple Metrics to Analyze

When you decide on the keywords you’ll choose, you need to think about a range of factors and examine different metrics during the process. Here are a few metrics to pay close focus on.

Search volume refers to the number of people who look up a specific keyword every month. Although it’s obvious that you must select keywords with greater searches to get more traffic to your website, however, every industry has its own guidelines for what high and low volume of searches are. In certain instances, 100-1000 search queries per month could be quite high, while in other situations it may be very low, so be sure to study.

Keyword difficulties are a measure that tells you how difficult you have to be ranked for a specific keyword. If your website is relatively new or has an unpopular domain authority, it’s recommended to target keywords with low difficulty scores, to ensure you stand an increased chance of being ranked. Every vendor has a specific metric for calculating the level of difficulty and accuracy. These can be different. These figures may be helpful as a starting point, but must be used with a pinch of salt.

Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) shows how likely it is that a user is likely to select an organic result for that particular keyword. Google often displays prominent snippets of content on the front of a results page and frequently lists numerous paid advertisements before they appear in the results that are organic. In these situations, it is possible that a specific keyword will result in a significant amount of organic traffic. It is essential to be aware to ensure that you target keywords with the highest Organic CTR that will increase the likelihood of you being able to be successful.

7. Keyword Length & Difficulty

Keywords are generally divided into three categories: body keywords, head terms as well as long-tail keywords. Each category generates a distinct amount of traffic and comes with various levels of difficulty to rank.

Headwords are generally one or two-word phrases that are highly ranked in terms of both traffic and competition. The intent of the searcher with these keywords is usually unclear, making it unlikely that they will be converted.

Long-tail keywords are variations on key keywords that are better defined and well-known than headwords. They are typically at least 3-4 words long or even longer. These are specific search terms that don’t receive much search traffic as a whole, yet have significantly smaller competition levels and have a clear searcher intention which makes them more likely to make a conversion. Long-tail keywords comprise the majority of searches on the internet.

If your business is just beginning and you are just starting out, using long-tail keywords can aid in the beginning and bring visitors to your site. As your business expands it is crucial to include all lengths of keywords in your plan of action. One smart approach to designing your content strategy is to develop longer-form articles that be able to capture multiple long-tail keywords immediately. In time as your website’s authority grows and you begin to earn links to your content, you are likely to begin to rank for the terms you are using.


8. Seasonality

Some companies have an enormous variation in sales across various seasons. For instance, an outdoor services business could offer lawn maintenance services during summer and snow removal services during the winter time. With this in mind, they’ll need to make certain to target different keywords during the summer than in winter.

Although your business may not be drastically different, however, there will likely be some variations in sales of certain items or services during the course of the year. Make note of this and determine when you must put more effort to target a certain keyphrase.

9. Current topics

Pop media, news breaking, and the general interest of the general public are constantly evolving. Focusing on topics and keywords that are trending at the moment will increase visitors to your website. Google Trends is a fantastic tool to see the extent to which a keyword is growing or declining in terms of popularity.

One tool to identify these hot subjects includes The tool searches the internet for keywords that are currently gaining popularity and then tells you what they mean. You can search for them by category to ensure that you can locate the top search terms pertinent to your company.

10. On-Site Search

If your website is equipped with an on-site search option to allow visitors to quickly locate content on your website it is important to monitor and study what users are looking for. To accomplish this, head to Google Analytics and turn on the “Site Search Tracking” option within “Site search settings”.

After this, you’ll see the thoughts of your visitors to your website thinking. It will reveal whether they are searching for the information you don’t have, or are struggling to find something you already have. By using this information you will be able to quickly determine new keywords that you can improve your website to offer your visitors what they’re searching for.


Keyword research is a continual process that is essential to the success of your company’s SEO strategy. It’s the foundation of creating a well-optimized website that will meet the needs and expectations of your target market. There are a variety of strategies and techniques you can utilize to locate top-quality, innovative keywords that bring qualified traffic to your website. Try different strategies and follow these suggestions to help you create the perfect keyword research plan that is beneficial to you and your company. Keep track of your performance on the SERPs and make changes to your strategy as necessary!

Disclaimer– This Website and related pages are only for information, educational & learning assistance. Please consult your financial advisor for assistance before investing. Personal opinion only for reviews, feedback, and educational purpose. We are not SEBI registered.

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